Category: Savings

Articles about saving money, reducing expenses, and earning interest on savings.

How to Save Money on Air Conditioning

Save money on air conditioning

As the world warms up we will be using our air conditioning units more and more.  How we cool our homes and our offices will become very important.  Whether you rent or own your own home there are things you…

How to Save Money on Food

Save money on food

With the economy’s future so uncertain it’s always a great idea to look for ways to save money on groceries.  I’m glad to say I can offer a few suggestions.  The whole idea behind buying groceries is to feed your…

Are Fast Food Coupons Worth the Health Risk?

It is a standard piece of advice: use coupons to save money. And many businesses mail out coupons to potential customers every month to bring them into the stores and restaurants. Coupons, sales, and discounts are necessary competitive advantages for…

Is It Cheaper to Buy Groceries in Bulk?

One of the most annoying and pervasive shopping myths is the idea that if you only shop at warehouse “clubs” or only buy from the bulk merchandise section at a grocery store that you will automatically save money over buying…

How to Save Money on Hardback Books

Books are an expensive commodity today and the fact so many bookstores are going out of business means that being able to buy books will become harder. Sure, you can still buy books online but their “look before you buy”…

How to Save Money on Prescription Medicine

If you don’t have health insurance or if your health insurance doesn’t provide discounts for a lot of prescription medicines, you may still be able to save money. These options are not available to everyone but you owe it to…