Can the Internet Really Save You Money on Some Utilities?

A cable modem: can this save me 65% on some services?Your telephone service may cost you anywhere from $50 to $200 per month depending on your features and the number of lines you have coming in.  10 years ago it was common for households to have one landline for people and one landline for the Internet.  But now we probably rely on cable modems or competing services for television, telephone, and Internet access.

But do you really need to spend all that money for these services?  Maybe a basic Internet connection from the local cable company is all you need.  After all, between Hulu and Netflix you can probably watch all your favorite network television shows very quickly at times that are convenient for you.  And with services like Google Hangouts and Skype you can call people around the world for free, with full video.  Skype even allows me to leave video messages for people who don’t answer my calls.

So why do I still have telephone and cable channel service?  I think I am not ready to make the cut because it feels like it would be final.  That is not true.  I would still be able to watch my favorite shows and call almost all my friends and relatives.  But they are not ready to make that final cut on their own telephone service.

If basic cable Internet service runs to about $50 a month I could probably buy a subscription to Netflix and pay for extra video/phone service for another $20 a month.  That would save me about $140 a month.  That’s almost $1500 a year.  But would I enjoy my activities as much as I do when paying full price?

This is the question I have to answer.